Wednesday, April 12, 2006

And Then He Did This, Then That, Then the Other and...

We love letters, especially ones where they don't let facts get in the way of a good rip. What piece is the writer referring to? Oh, well. It's probably from just another disgruntled Chestnut Hill wannabe.

Anonymous writes:
Mr. Lombardi, please check your blog security. How did something like Alloway's piece get past your fact checkers?

Is this the same Scott Alloway who screamed profanities at one of the Board's members at a meeting last November?

Is this the same Scott Alloway who took control of the Local's website for a short while and redirected readers letters to his own personal mailbox?

Is this the same Scott Alloway who dubbed himself "the on-line editor of the Local"?

Is this the same Scott Alloway who threatened to sue the CHCA because he was caught and reprimanded for his duplicitous actions?

Is this the same Scott Alloway who removed Local files, electronic and otherwise from the paper's offices and delivered them to his friend Martha Haley, among others?

Is this the same Scott Alloway who continues to draw a paycheck from the community of Chestnut Hill even as he now audaciously runs as a self-nominated candidate for the CHCA Board?

A colleague of the accused from the Local responds:

Dear Anonymous-ness,

V is for Vendetta; one doesn't have to see movies to know.

If Mr. Anonymous were to play Senator McCarthy in this equation, then it's right about time that Ed Morrow reiterates to him that, "Accusation is not Proof." A man who stands by his word is worth more than petty accusations spoken indirectly to him.

The reality is this world is becoming so that instead of talking to one another face to face we use text. In doing so, miscommunications and misinterpretations are diligently avoided.

Pointing out only faults would lead one to believe that the accuser is perfect. FALSE.

First of all, Mr. Alloway was already in charge of the website before anyone left. In lieu of the events that followed, the endeavor at hand was to maintain the Local's publication. Even if one has no editor the show must go on -- 52 weeks a year for a mail permit. If the chain of command breaks down, you still have to have a way to organize the group to function. Function is what was attempted at the time. What, WE, not you, attempted. News and information organization had to be quick to achieve its goals of production. If you can't understand that then you really have no experience upon which to form a comment.

Second of all, Mr. Alloway was in charge of backing up Local files before our new IT was hired. Until Mr. Tsigos was hired full-time, Mr. Alloway was in charge of that responsibility of backing up server files. I'll excuse your ignorance on how things are run for now.

Duplicitous are those who tried to treat us like spineless idiots in the event of an ìeditor lessî situation. Those who stepped up and tried to help while not knowing how to run a damn paper. Those who had the managerial ignorance to direct workers to only lead to further hostile a situation. Duplicitous are those who depicted us as terrorists and parasites. If only Eve had held the snake a while. We are already quite staffed at dealing with new situations and changing power structures. Please, you can give at least one of us the benefit of the doubt. So don't vote for Scott. Don't let your ignorance infect the rest of the community.

You don't call in a lumberjack to do your laundry. Do you?

Yours truly,
Rogue Incentive


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