The Feldman Report ...
While awaiting Ed Feldman's treatise on the most recent conflict between fact and fantasy (see the letters in the July 26, 2007, Chestnut Hill Local), we offer this background letter for your examination. Ed has promised us additional commentary. When it comes, we'll post it. Things won't be the same on the Hill when Ed moves to the Left Coast.
Dear Mr. Feldman,This letter is sent to provide you with notice of the Executive Committee's concern with your offensive and entirely inappropriate conduct at our meeting on Thursday July 12 and to inform you that such conduct is unacceptable at any Community Association meeting and that the continuance of such conduct will result in action to ban you from Community Association meetings in the future.
For the-record, at the Executive Committee meeting on July 12,2007 you continually interrupted the meeting without being recognized and proceeded to conduct an entirely inappropriate cross-examination of a community member present at the meeting. Further, and even more unacceptable, when you were asked to stop, you called the Executive Committee members "Motherf_ckers" and made entirely inappropriate remarks about that same community member's spouse along with raising the possibility of physical confrontation.
The Community Association is an important forum for community members to present varying, even opposing points of view. However, to allow the Association to function, those present must abide by rules of order and decorum. It is never appropriate to personally disparage or attack any person present regardless of how outraged you are by their answer or their conduct. Derogatory personal comments, curse words, and even the notion of violence will not be tolerated.
You are welcome, as are other community members, to make your point of view heard, but only if you abide by the rules of conduct that are expected of every other community member attending such meetings. As has already been stated, your continued failure to abide by the simple rules of order under which such meetings are conducted, will result in action to ban you from attending all future meetings.
Dina Hitchcock
Vice President/Operations
Cc: Lou Aiello
Jane Becker
Ed Berg
Moss Disston
Tom Fleming
Jeremy Heep
Jane Piotrowski
Labels: Feldman
Ed Feldman so rightly characterized Chestnut Hill as the "Land of No Consequences". I would expand that to the "Land of No Conscience".
It seems that the insider atmosphere incudes folks that run the gamut from Old Hill, to Young Hill, to Approximate Hill to Wanabee Hill, all exhibiting any level of sanctimony one could imagine.
One learns there is Chestnut Hill Law, and Chestnut Hill Morality, but nothing in my experience surpasses Chestnut Hill Hypocrisy.
Elitism is a disease that used to take years to cultivate, but now is apparently so contageous one might contract it after a brisk walk down Germantown Avenue or touching a glass at McNallys.
However, time is running out and the mixed bag of characters that think they are running things behind the curtain will be rating each other out soon.
Almost White
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