Sunday, January 29, 2006

Foul.. Most Flagrant, Most Shameful

It is now apparent that the CHCA leadership and their disciples do not have the ability to feel shame for the flagrant violation of the civility that they whimper about when they feel offended. Nor do they have a sense of dignity or common sense; not when they whine when they feel slighted and then run roughshod over any and all rules of order. They seem to have forgoten that this is NOT their private clubhouse.

Below is an advisory presented in public. This is also a message for the Chestnut Hill community. The actions of this current board are being performed by your representatives in your name. Is this how you wish to be represented to the rest of the world?

The Chestnut Hill Hospital cannot say it had not been given a *heads-up.* Early Wednesday morning at a Rotary Club meeting, the CEO Rodney Reider, who was the guest speaker, was presented with both oral and written statement signed by seven Board members and two members of the CHCA. (It will be reproduced at the end of this piece.)

For reasons commercial or otherwise, the hospital upon which many of us are dependent may just shake it off - the hosting of a meeting in violation of the CHCA bylaws, the cost (and waste) of their gracious offering of refreshments, the inconvenience to their staff, the "police presence" and use of their own security personnel, the utter disregard of thirty or so non-Board members who had business to conduct with the Board including their own architect David Bynum and intended co-presenters on behalf of the hospital's plans for expansion.

All of the non-Board members had arrived before the scheduled time of 7:30 and were there in response to the itemized agenda posted in the Chestnut Hill Local of the same date, January 26, 2006.

Few were still around at 9:55 p.m. when the "meeting" was called to order. What happened in the meantime is a mystery since it has been reported that the Board members at the Executive Session have been sworn to secrecy. Word did leak out that two key players began "the slow clap" during the testimony of fellow Board member. If this Executive Session was indeed about civility, this profoundly insolent and contemptuous act must be grist for yet another Executive Session or perhaps an open Town Meeting.

There were many empty seats at the Board table when the CHCA January Board meeting was gaveled to order. One might guess that some had justifiable embarrassment in facing the public. Others had obviously come only for the Big Show and got home at a decent hour, self-satisfied that they had done God's Work in the interest of community.


The Statement

To: Chestnut Hill Hospital Health Care, Administration and Public Relations

Unbeknownst to you, the monthly board meeting of the Chestnut Hill Community Association you will be hosting on Thursday, January 26, 2006 is in violation of the bylaws of the Chestnut Hill Community Association. The bylaws state that public notice of all Association Meetings [including date, time, location and agenda] must be given 7 days in advance of all meetings.

Although you are most likely unaware of this, we feel that you should know that this has not been done. All of our meetings are public meetings, and it would seem to be in the interest of the Chestnut Hill Hospital as well as the CHCA, for appropriate notice to be given to the Chestnut Hill LOCAL. In this way, the public and members of the association would be able to plan to attend as well as to prevent confusion over a last minute change of location. Exception could be made as a courtesy to you, were it not for the fact that proper notification is so infrequent.

We do not wish the Hospital to be unaware of the situation, should people who wished to attend, could not because of the lack of notification. In addition, the recently received agenda includes an executive session as the first item which would require you, our hosts, and the public to leave the room. We feel that you have been put in a very awkward situation. Mary Anna Ross has agreed to speak with you at the Rotary Club meeting today. This information was written as an aid for her and for you, should you have any questions.

Janine Dwyer, Lou Aiello, Virginia Mallery [former officers, current Board members]
Ron Recko, Mary Anna Ross, Anne Spaeth, Lawrence Walsh [current Board members]
Ned Mittinger[former Community Manager]
Rujean Mittinger [former Board member]


Blogger Bryan said...

Good work with this blog. I will be reading.

Tue Jan 31, 09:34:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually know what the hell went on at this executive session? If so, can it be clearly stated? Let the sunshine in on all the intrigue.

Thu Feb 02, 11:36:00 PM EST  

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