Sunday, February 05, 2006

What Newspapers Are

An area newspaperperson offers a few thoughts on the nature of the industry. We should pay attention, lest we find ourselves without what we need.

Citizen Kane thought it would be fun to run a newspaper and build himself a Xanadu. Mr. Kane - the big fictitious American who he was - thought no special interests should be allowed to interfere with the truth.

As such a way of life should be, ideally, inspired to relate that statement. Such should be the way any ‘newspaper’ should be run, under the protections of the constitution’s freedom of speech amendment. Therefore, any and all deterrent towards that ideal should be evaluated, speculated and criticized.

Nothing in a newspaper should be for frivolity's sake, for that is not the nature of a newspaper, although maybe that of a newsletter or magazine. News is news, no matter what area you represent or what kind of mission statement you procure.

If you are deemed a newspaper then you should take that title as seriously as you do any endeavor. Newspapers expose, they tell truth when no one else can it. They inform you when no one else can say it. They notify you when no one else will remember it. They document the history and tell the tale of what is before you.

The workingman reads the newspaper to find out what is happening in his community while he is at work contributing to his community. Please give that man what he is due: quality reports and insightful information, real facts, opinions, editorial musings that provoke not only discussion but further actions towards improvement of his daily life. In short, give him the challenge of something worthy of reading.

It is not just a medium worth considering, it’s a way of life.


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