Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Snow Job

I'll make this simple. The Chestnut Hill Business Association, all 225 of them, will soon have control over the Chestnut Hill Community Association, all 2000 of them. They will control the newspaper and the zoning. Nothing they want will be denied them. They will not publish any viewpoints critical of their plans, they will build anything they want, and they will stop any dissent by any means necessary. They are operating under the auspices of Richard Snowden.
The economic downturn has them frightened, and frightened people do drastic things. Rather than accepting responsibility for the mess they have helped create, they have settled on some scapegoats. The Local, me, and the CHCA. They're right about the CHCA.

An alternative will soon be presented to you. If you do not take it, those who put their profits above your welfare will shit all over you. Richard Snowden, who hates Chestnut Hill, for he has said so, whose family hates Chestnut Hill, for they have said so, will destroy anyone who stands in his way.

The zoning for McGarrity is part of Richard's Prize. But, as usual, his greatest triumph will be his "victory" over the neighborhood who has not hailed him as a Lord.

"All of his renovations have been carefully done" I've heard that one as often as I've heard about how Mussolini ran the trains on time. But every time I see blue hairs at a restaurant, they HAVE to tell about his childhood rants that have continued unabated into middle age.

The story of "patricians" who enrich themselves through the exploitation of the land and their employees is so passé in the modern world of Madoff and AIG, but it still takes place.

COTIGA, the Snowden family company, destroys the Earth, the bodies of their workers,and the air. Richard has spouted fantasies about "Clean Coal" for so long that he believes it. So when he makes up stories about the Local causing the economic downturn he probably believes that too. The hundreds of toy soldiers he plays with in his house probably believe him too.

And now he has the frightened mechants of Chestnut Hill believing him. Fear, obedience, the willingness to follow anyone with money. The merchants of Chestnut Hill are weak and stupid. That's why they're in the mess they're in. They thought banks were a good idea and the banks screwed up the neighborhood. And now they think Richard has a good idea, but Richard will only improve his lot, not theirs. But they're going to trust him anyway.

The alternative will presented to you soon.

Ed Feldman

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Anonymous Mike Chomentowski said...

I hope the Association is aware that there are candidates for the CHCA Board that are not affiliated with the CHBA and are not incumbents, myself and Steph Chomentowski to name two. We are concerned residents who want to be involved and will strive to represent the community's interests.

Tue Apr 07, 10:23:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Mrs. Bluehair said...

I hope so too. A free society needs to have checks and balances. Chestnut Hill needs a Business Association to promote the economic health of the area; it also needs a Community Association to ensure that residents' property values and quality of life are being protected; above all it needs a newspaper to ensure that everyone knows what their elected officials and volunteers are doing and keep their activities above-board and in the light of day. Business interests and residents' interests are not always one and the same. Let's keep resident voices on our Community Board.

Wed Apr 08, 12:48:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Ms. Audacity Hope said...

Ed - Will the Positively Chestnut Hill contingency will create a business owner majority on the CHCA board? Is Richard's prize, the zoning for Whole Foods? As a recent attendee of board meetings, this sounds new to me. I must have missed a meeting or left too soon. Blood pressure and curiosity peaked...details please!

Wed Apr 08, 04:26:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Ed Feldman said...

Answer to Ms. A/H- Yes-and-yes and more. As I uncover the details I will reveal them in the Local and/or here.
But all you need to do to WIN is join the alternative- Numbers will give it POWER-Ed

Thu Apr 09, 02:44:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jeremiade said...

Ed, you have to be encouraged by three good people commenting above. I think at least one is running in the board election. There is hope.

Mon Apr 13, 01:35:00 PM EDT  

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