Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Meanwhile, in Mt. Airy...

There's a discussion going on about the future of the Mt. Airy / Germantown papers at a post in Philly Blog. Granted, Journal Register Company ran almost all its papers into the ground but there are reports today that the Mt. Airy newspaper has a buyer. Don't know if it's a package deal linked to other Montco papers or not (including my old rag, the SpringFord Reporter), but it offers the promise of a resurrected weekly with real news in Mt. Airy.

Philly.com had a report on possible JRC newspaper sales in a Monday post, although it reported the interest was expressed in Connecticut.

Keep an eye out for more.


Update 12.31.09: Seems there's action in Connecticut to save a couple JRC dailies.


And Now, a Return to the Old Ways

It's a new year, but it looks like we're going with the same old same old. Let's start things a day early with a comic strip.

Dedicated to our friends in the fourth estate.

Thank you, Dr. H.



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